Monday, February 26, 2018

The Three Laws of Humanity

Humanity: A compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior or disposition; the quality or state of being humane.

In the aftermath of the most recent mass shooting, and the inevitable arguments that usually follow, I have written these Three Laws, based (however loosely) on Isaac Asimov’s ‘Three Laws of Robotics’. They are the only input I will offer to the discussion. They could also be called 'Laws of Compromise'.

1.     The rights and freedoms of one human being, through practice, expression or availability, cannot be allowed to cause another to come to harm, either directly or indirectly.

2.     The implementation of the rights and freedoms of the one are subservient to the protective rights and freedoms of the many, except where the total absence of those rights and freedoms flagrantly endangers the first individual, thereby causing a conflict with the First Law.

3.     An individual has the right to defend and protect his or her rights and freedoms, so long as the defense of those rights and freedoms does not conflict with the Equitable Laws of the Land or the First or Second Law.